Friday, May 7, 2010

On the day that my partner and I had to teach our lesson I was very nervous. I never taught a lesson where the students were given cards to behave a certain way also I did not know what to expect because my lesson was the first lesson being taught. Looking back on it, I am happy that my partner and I went first. The class did not behave as badly as I thought they would. They paid attention and despite the many outbursts and interruptions we were able to get through our whole lesson.
My partner and I discussed beforehand how we would administer the lesson. I thought doing this made the lesson go quickly and smoothly. When one person was teaching the other person was dealing with the behavior issues. We tried not to let the students that was trying to learn get distracted by the students that were doing things they was not supposed to be doing. Doing this was a big part in getting through our lesson because we did not have to stop for long periods of time because of the actions of one student.
I realized that as a teacher you have to be prepared to adjust your lesson to fit the needs of the class. You might plan something and realize that the children are getting restless. When something like this happens you have to change up your lesson a little to keep the attention of the students. You also realize that you might not get to everything in your lesson plan. In my lesson plan we incorporated the use of pictures, however when administering the lesson we did not use the pictures because we realized that we was asking the children to do too many things at one time. We also did not go through all the words in our word list because the students were starting to get bored and tired of sitting on the floor. To wake them up my partner Olivia decided to do an exercise in which they each add their own movement. That was good because it woke up the students and I followed her lead even though I did not know what she was doing. It is always good to pick up cues or feed off the ideas of your fellow teachers. You do not want the students to realize that an activity was not planned or you do not want them sense that you do not know what you are doing. I enjoyed working with my partner and I think we did a very good job in our lesson. I learned a lot about things I could do or say when students are acting up in the classroom.